
You can plot a Paper space layout. Plotting a Paper space layout is the same as plotting the Model layout. Before plotting a Paper space layout, be sure that the layout is initialized and the viewports are defined with the settings and desired views of the model.For information on defining viewports on a Paper space layout, see Create Paper Space Viewports. To plot a Paper space layout, refer to Plot from Model Space.

可以打印图纸空间布局。打印图纸空间布局与打印模型空间布局是一样的。打印图纸空间布局之前,布局当然也需要初始化并且视口要使用设置和想获得的模型视图进行定义。更多关于在图纸空间布局中定义视口的详细信息,请参见 创建图纸空间视口 部分。若要打印图纸空间布局,请参考 从模型空间打印 部分。