

主页: AutoCAD .NET 开发人员手册


To change the view within
a Viewport object, you manipulate the view of a viewport you use
its member properties. The following member properties allow you
to adjust the display of the view in a viewport:
若要修改一个 Viewport 对象内部的视图,用户就必须使用视口的成员属性来操作视图。下面的成员属性允许用户调整视图在视口中的显示:
- ViewCenter -
Specifies the view center of the view in the viewport.
- ViewCenter - 指定视图在视口中的视图中心。
- ViewDirection -
Specifies the vector from the target to the camera of the view in
the viewport.
- ViewDirection - 指定一个代表从目标到视图在视口中的照相机的向量。
- ViewHeight -
Specifies the height of the Model Space view within the viewport.
- ViewHeight - 指定模型空间视图在视口内部的高度。
- ViewTarget -
Specifies the location of the target of the view in the viewport.
- ViewTarget - 指定视图在视口中的目标的位置。