There are mainy different types of events in AutoCAD. The following is some of the common types of events:
在 AutoCAD 中有许多不同的事件类型。下面是一些普通的事件类型:
Subroutines that respond to events are called event handlers and are executed automatically each and every time their designated event is triggered. Information contained in the arguments returned by an event, such as a system variable name in the SystemVariableChanging event, are passed from the event handler to the SystemVariableChangingEventArgs object.
用于响应事件的子例程称为事件处理程序,每次触发指定给它们的事件时,都会自动执行这些程序。事件中包含的信息会通过参数被返回,像 SystemVariableChanging 事件中的系统变量名,它会通过事件处理程序的 SystemVariableChangingEventArgs 对象被传递出来。